Fantasy Eternal Rules

Here are the site rules, they must be adhered to as these are serious issues.

The number one rule is that you should always remember that the site is PG13, meaning that any pornographic images or content will not be tolerated on this site and may result in an immediate ban.

Disrespect to any other member is a big no-go, regardless of position, we can understand if you are in character in the RP sections that it is your character's actions and not your own to an extent. This will not be tolerated in the non-rp sections and will be dealt with depending on the severity of case.

Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
Do not post anything that does not belong to you, if you wish to post something that is not yours you must have consent from the original owner/creator and proof of this.

Pseudo modding is basically when user tells another user what they can and can't do, not to post in specific places and just basically what a mod would do. Do not do this as you will be given a warning, remember, that is the mods job.

Illegal Content
Simply put, we all know that downloading things illegally is a bad thing. Any one caught talking about this or posting links will be given a warning and if these actions still continues the user will be banned

Double Posting
While not on such a severe level this is still a rule and rules must be adhered to. If you post several time in a row the posts will either be merged or deleted, depending on the case, and you will be given a polite warning from a member of staff.

Cross-posting is where you basically copy and paste the exact thing into different parts of the forums, do not do this as they will be deleted and you will be given a warning.

Multiple/Duplicate Accounts
There is no need to create more than one account, if you do, the other account will be deleted and there is a large probability you will get a temporary ban.

The only areas that you are allowed to spam are the areas that are depicted as spam areas, spamming in non-spam areas in not tolerable and your posts will be deleted.

Advertising is not allowed on the forums, so please be mindful of this, any links and anything of the like will be removed by a staff member.

Any member caught doing the any of the aforementioned will be formally warned, and if they continue, a temporary ban will be issued. If any action is taken further than this, a permanent ban will be issued. This is a very serious subject and will not be treated lightly.

Certain usernames are fine to an extent but if a username is deemed unsuitable by staff (i.e. Contains Sexist/racist/pornographic remarks) a staff member will either give you a formal warning and a username change, or in the extremities you will be banned from the site entirely.

Please remember to try and adhere to the rules the best you can, rule breaking will not be taken lightly.

Other Information
Our thanks go to Laguna for creating the forum's banner.
Arcade provided by